

The moon is beautiful

At St. Peter’s Art Station, Ken Matsubara intervenes in the space with reflections. Among other things, the painting of St. Peter by Peter Paul Rubens is reflected as if in a river. The baroque painting is set in motion by the reflection. It flows, it is fluid, but it remains in its place.

Laurenz Theinert » Missing Darkness

In the rhythm of light

The exhibition provides an insight into the complete works of Laurenz Theinert. It includes photographic works, light art and light-sound performances. In addition to five light installations, the exhibition also presents photographs from various series of works.

Interview with Laurenz Theinert > in the PDF here.
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A large-scale kinetic light art installation

VEKTOR is the latest audiovisual installation by Christopher Bauder at Kraftwerk Berlin. In his most personal work to date, Bauder fuses kinetic light from 50 moving lasers with a self-composed three-dimensional soundscape to create a synaesthetic work of art. Moments and memories from his life are processed into an abstract light art experience. Visitors are submerged in a wondrously fascinating sound and imagescape. VEKTOR is a monumental installation in this unique industrial cathedral. → Read more

LIT Lighting Design Awards 2023

The winners have been unveiled, showcasing designs that not only redefine the present but also offer a glimpse into the future of cutting-edge lighting trends.
The winners showcase the excellence of international lighting product designers and implementers. There were over 800 entries from 58 countries for the 7th edition of the LIT Lighting Design Awards. Debutants from the Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela took part. A jury of 45 professionals, including architects, interior designers, academics and media representatives from the lighting industry, evaluated the entries and selected those that expressed outstanding creativity and innovation.

Presentation of the winners with interview here: here / PDF 

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Lyonel Feininger

Crystalline pictorial worlds

Lyonel Feininger’s pictorial worlds unfold a crystalline glow. His seascapes, at first, show traditional green-blue waves. Later, a system of lines appears, which finally merge into the superimposed facets as a reflection of light. → Read more

Light_poesis > Mischa Kuball

The quiet magic of nature

With Light_poesis, Mischa Kuball (*1959, Düsseldorf/DE) breaks through the boundaries of presumably habitual dimensions. The light and mirror installation connects the inside with the outside, combines the light of day and night with the artificial light of the installation and nature makes a brilliant entrance into the exhibition space.
New visual axes and reflections open up immaterial connecting lines, reflections and cross-connections through the glass panes,
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LIT Lighting Design Awards stages your moment in the spotlight! 
“The LIT Design Awards™ was created to recognize the efforts of talented international lighting product designers and lighting implementers. We believe that lighting is both an art and a science, and it is one of the most important elements of design.”
Picture this: your design on the grand stage of international recognition, your name in the lighting history.

» Start the submission process here
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LUCI Association

Bringing life to public spaces with Light Art

As the grand finale of the EU-funded Light Art in Public Spaces (LAiPS) project, LUCI Association together with the cities of Lyon, Oulu and Turin are organizing the international conference “Bringing life to public spaces with Light Art” in Turin, Italy on 2-3 November 2023.

Registrations are now open – Free Participation

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An event project on sustainability

Questions about (im)possibilities

The programme offers a forum to ask open questions, to discuss possibilities and impossibilities, to let opposites stand side by side if necessary. Thematically, the spectrum ranges from questions about the aware use of resources to openness to diversity. How are our individual behaviour patterns connected to what is happening on a regional and global level? What role does our consumer behaviour play?  → Read more


Weaving the Light

Every year, the Frederiksberg Museums commission an artist to create a site-specific work for the Cistern in Copenhagen. The 4,400 m² water reservoir offers a cave-like ambience: The humidity is almost 100%, daylight never invades, echoes only fade after 17 seconds and the temperature varies between 4 and 16 degrees. → Read more