Creation and destruction, life and death – it is within this conflict area that the drawings by José Gomes move. With clear reference to Brazilian nature and culture his works on paper have, in part, the effect of collages that generate a strong depth of image. Gomes’ research for his drawings also include the study of drone images of the Brazilian primeval forests that make absolutely clear how these important habitats are being destroyed. These findings, precisely as the exploration of the Brazilian art history and handicraft, run through Gomes’ delicate drawings in which the figurative is often fractured by abstract elements, thereby telling an own story.
Dr. Carla Cugini | Geschäftsführerin der Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst Museum Ludwig
José Gomes | Köln/D
José Gomes | Abgrenzung 13 | 2017 | Zeichnung, Tusche auf Papier | 25 x 25 cm|