Bettina Schünemann’s work lies in the area of tension between the physical and digital spatial experience. How do we contextualise ourselves? With ones own pace? With the aid of navigation devices? What is the ‘truth’ here on site? Are Syria and Afghanistan ‘somewhere else completely’ or here? Which coordinates define my location? What goes on in ones head? What can be grasped with ones hands?
Maps as interpreted view onto the world from above are intrinsic for the artist: they create collages amongst others the series of pieces of the light boxes PLACES that, with their reflecting surfaces, include the surrounding situation into the image. In addition the circle as geometric form in its cyclical characteristic and as world shape, plays an especial role.
Bettina Schünemann
| Bettina Schünemann I Leuchtkästen aus der Reihe PLACES I 2015 – 2016 I verschiedene Folien, Acrylglasscheibe I Installation Kunstverein Jahnstraße Braunschweig 2016 I Foto: Bettina Schünemann I VG-Bildkunst |