Jakob Kudsk Steensen > Berl-Berl

Exhibition| April 29 to September 25, 2022 

On the future of the marshes

The work of Jakob Kudsk Steensen oscillates between the analogue and the digital, between new technologies and scientific discourses, between futuristic visions and multi-layered soundscapes. Steensen works with 3D animation, sounds and immersive effects. At the intersection of hybrid world-building and visual storytelling, he reinterprets ecological themes. In his projects, he blends the natural with the technical, the virtual with the real, and science fiction with scientific research. Through collaboration with natural scientists, composers and writers, he creates poetic interpretations of hidden phenomena of nature.



| Jakob Kudsk Steensen | Berl-Berl, Live Simulation, 2021 | Sound Composition by Matt McCorkle and Vocalizations by Arca |  © 2021 Jakob Kudsk Steensen |  Commissioned by Light Art Space (LAS) |