


Light has the extraordinary potential to allow us to define and manipulate space: “Without light there is no space”, Robert Wilson. In working with light, I am interested in space, which becomes a living frame to every light installation, in contrast to Mark Rothko’s no frame concept, and also to the individual emotions of visitors. The location, the ‘Schlossbergstollen’, abandoned caves and tunnels in the centre of Graz, was the inspiration for this project. Reclaiming the space for the public and giving it a new function through art, mainly Light Art. The public is confronted with art without expecting it.

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The Light objects are characterized by a strict geometric interpretation, subject to minimalism and physical change in which the breaking of light occurs, since on the border between the media, by definition, the latter changes its direction. The light beam is thus dispersed when it enters or exits the glass. The projection rays are tied to the illumination coming from the LED strips laid at the bottom of the glass. The unified light in white, yellow, green or red colour is most likely subjected to the emotional interpretation. The object consists of differently shaped acrylic glass plates arranged in sequence one after the other. This creates a model-like appearance in which level oscillations and inclines vary. The whole becomes a vibrant spatial play of falls and ascents and a parallel of the so – called contour lines – isolines, which connect points with the same altitude.

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LumiereScene & SpaceCircles

Inhabitated spaces | 2019

A journey through forgotten geographies. Inhabited a long time ago and then lost in obscurity in the hands of nature and time. Architectures in the process of fossilisation. Companions of the soil and friends with the plants and stones. The project of LumiereScene & SpaceCircles travels through the landscapes of Spain. It is about to find and live in these lost places during the day and to embrace the space with light installations at night.

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CIRCA | 2018

CIRCA is a light sculpture that represents the circannual cycle of light levels on earth’s surface in southern England. It is divided into twelve physical elements, circles, that each represent one month of the year. The total circumference of each circle represents a twenty four hour day, the amount of daylight hours are displayed through the percentage of the circumference that is lit up. Light is the primary zeitgeber (time-giver) and is therefore the most responsible factor for setting endogenous clocks in plant, animal life and humans.

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László Zsolt Bordos

Object mapping & Light-Frames | 2018

The artworks of László Zsolt Bordos are dealing with the power of light and shadow to modulate space. The artworks are a mix of light sculptures and object mapping. Today, it is possible to set up complex projections that make it difficult for viewers to perceive the boundary between real and virtual phenomena. Projections always have a tangible, physical component (an object or a building), onto which the virtual content carried by light is projected.

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Interference | 2017

Jürgen Eichler deals with three-dimensional coloured light structures in space. They reflect special properties of light that are rarely used in light art: coherence and interference. These three-dimensional images of light are made possible by the technique of holography. In the works, holographic elements with their spectrally pure colours are combined with coloured graphic material. In front and behind of the graphic float delicate structures or three-dimensional images in space, which change with the movement of the observer.

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Artificial Sunshine

My work uses neon light to map peoples’ stories, histories and lives. Using a technique of long-exposure photography, I capture the persons’ movements on camera using lights attached to them. The resulting images of distorted, staccato beams of light moving through space are then translated into unique, site-specific neon installations. The movement of my camera allows for a form of accidental drawing with lines of light. I then deconstruct and visualize these lines in three-dimensions using

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Hinrich Gross’ works are mostly site specific and related to a location. The ceiling height defines the whole installation, it determines the size of the squares which are projected onto the floor and displayed on the bulkhead. A new order shapes the sense of spaciousness. Due to the illusionistic continuation of the vertical room the passable space expands, in the perception of the visitor, in an encompassing way. As soon as the beholder enters the installation this perception becomes a picture puzzle. Nevertheless, the bubble does

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Invisible Dimensions | 2016
From the mid-90s Carlo Bernardini’s research has turned to the idea of space not as abstract formulation but as vital reality. Working with a unique system of fiber optics, Bernardini creates a shifting, illusory network of illuminated lines that traverse the space. Viewers’ processes of perception are challenged and overturned as they enter the created environment, experiencing it from within and without. This is a form of creativity

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A configuration of fluorescent tubes, fixed to the walls of the room, were programmed to be dimmed and switched on and off according to a prescribed program. This art work will give form to philosophical …

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